Олборлох ашигт малтмалын нэр төрлийг нэмэгдүүлэх

Diversifying to support the energy transition

Бид түргэн хугацаанд хариуцлагатай шилжилт хийх замаар нүүрсхүчлийн хий бага ялгаруулах олборлолт хийх шийдлийг захиалагчдад санал болгон ажиллаж байна.

#Олборлох ашигт малтмалын нэр төрлийг нэмэгдүүлэх

Дэлхий нийтэд түүхий эдийг олборлож ашиглах хэрэгцээ шаардлага тулгараад байгаа бөгөөд энэхүү хэрэгцээ шаардлага улам бүр өсөн нэмэгдэж байна.

Иймд дэлхий нийт ирээдүйн төлөө шинэчлэл хийхэд … уул уурхай шаардлагатай. Бид уул уурхайн үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч компани тул захиалагч, ажилтан, түнш, нийлүүлэгч, орон нутаг, байгаль орчинд илүү сайн үр дүнг бий болгохын төлөө хувь нэмэр оруулахад анхаардаг. 

Read the report

#Snapshot: our diversified portfolio

Thiess Rebuild Centre on Batam Island, Indonesia is officially opened

MACA secured a contract extension for Sino Iron Project in Western Australia

The Thiess Group acquired PYBAR

Thiess re-entered Canada with the award of a mining services contract for the nickel and copper Stobie Open Pit Mining Project

MACA awarded roadworks contract for the Great Northern Highway Pinga St Interchange, Western Australia

Thiess secured a contract extension at the Prominent Hill Copper Mine in SA, which will take their service provision at the site to 20 years

Thiess announced significant stakes in LAAMP and Mechatronix, expanding the Group’s digital learning and asset services capabilities

MACA Interquip awarded engineering, procurement and construction management contract for Tomingley Gold Operation

MACA Interquip acquired Mintrex

MACA awarded a mining services contract at the Miralga Creek Iron Ore Project in the Pilbara

PYBAR awarded contract for the development of the Jericho Copper Mine and continued development of Eloise Copper Mine in Queensland, Australia

MACA awarded the Karijini road widening contract in Pilbara, Western Australia

MACA signed exclusivity agreement with gold exploration and mining company Emerald Resources NL

Thiess Khishig Arvin JV awarded contract at gold and copper Oyu Tolgoi Mine in Mongolia

Эрчим хүчний шилжилт нь ажиллах шинэ арга барилыг тодорхойлох, орон нутаг болон бизнесүүдэд тогтвортой шинэ арга замыг хайх том боломжуудыг авчирсан.



Thiess continues to diversify our commodities portfolio. We support the rising demand for metals including copper – essential to the growth in electrification; nickel, zinc and molybdenum – key materials for the renewable energy sector; and lithium, which underpins battery evolution.



We are leveraging our core competencies to develop service offerings for sustainable mining and lower emission markets – including rehabilitation, asset management, technology and consulting services.

In 2024, Thiess continued to expand our stand-alone rehabilitation business, Thiess Rehabilitation.

Operating regions

Operating regions

The Thiess Group services clients in seven countries: Australia, Indonesia, Mongolia, India, Chile, the United States, Canada and Cambodia. Thiess and the Thiess Group will see organic growth in these countries, but we are also attuned to opportunities beyond those borders.


Thiess delivers first zero-hour rebuilt trucks


Driving value through technology at the Stobie Open Pit Mining Project


Transforming land for the future - Ensham Rehabilitation Project


Rehabilitation at the Duketon South Operation

Our 2024 performance

Our 2024 performance

Learn more about the sustainability performance of Thiess and other Thiess Group businesses MACA, Fleetco, and RTL (88% Thiess owned) in the Thiess Group 2024 Sustainability Report.