Health, safety & wellbeing

Health, safety & wellbeing

At Thiess, we work to keep everyone safe everyday by providing a workplace that’s both physically and psychologically safe.

#Health and safety

Across Thiess, safety underpins everything we do. No matter our job or position, each of us has a role to play in ensuring we keep everyone safe everyday

We have established systems in place to support our people. Our Health & Safety Management System (HSMS) is an integrated set of tools and resources that define how we manage physical health, safety and security at all levels. 

We achieve physical safety through these actions:


Lead with our Thiess One HSE Culture and Behaviour framework that sets the behaviours we expect from all our people to embed our safety-first culture.


Ensure an effective risk management approach through our Thiess Safety Essentials, non-negotiable critical controls, and core procedures for key risk activities.


Provide engaging leadership to ensure our people have the skills required to develop and embed a strong HSE culture.


Use lead indicators to drive positive performance outcomes, change and improvement.


Use lag indicators for compliance reporting and to measure effectiveness.


At Thiess, our vision everyone safe everyday isn’t just about physical safety, it’s about the whole person. It includes the mental health and wellbeing of all of our people. We want our people to feel safe, respected, valued and able to speak up for themselves and their teammates. 

In line with this, Thiess has responded decisively to the Human Rights Commission’s Respect@Work Report, which details the prevalence of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment across the mining and resources sector. 

We’re building psychologically safe and respectful workplaces through these actions:


In 2024, we used insights from the Thiess 2023 Global Health and Wellbeing Survey along with a review of industry trends and regional legislation and regulatory priorities to draft the 2025+ Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

The strategy supports our efforts to prevent occupational illness and enhance the health and wellbeing of our people. We also continued our Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice in 2024, led by the Group Chief Medical Advisor and allied health professionals, to support development and implementation of our strategy.


In 2024, we worked to integrate ISO 45003:2021 (Occupational health and safety management – psychological health and safety at work – Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks) elements into our current and future health and wellbeing plans.

An independent review of our current approach against legislative and international standards is underway and on track for completion in early 2025.


Our updated Healthy, Safe and Respectful Workplace Management Plan was launched across the Group in January 2024. We also continued to deliver on our Respectful Workplace Action Plan.


Over 250 peer mental health supporters were active across the Group in 2024, with an additional 500 employees receiving training in mental health support and first aid. Leadership training remained a priority, with more than 1,200 leaders trained to promote mental health awareness and provide support.

We are aiming to extend the "Peer Support" and "Leader" programs to all entities in 2025, to provide consistent wellbeing support for our people across the organisation.

Our 2024 performance

Our 2024 performance

Learn more about the sustainability performance of Thiess and other Thiess Group businesses MACA, Fleetco, and RTL (88% Thiess owned) in the Thiess Group 2024 Sustainability Report.