Mark Lynch

Group Executive - Commercial, Risk and Investments

Mark Lynch


Mark Lynch joined the Thiess Group as Group Executive – Commercial, Risk and Investments in May 2024.

Mark is an experienced senior leader within the infrastructure and resources industries, with more than 25 years’ experience in large, complex organisations, and leading teams throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Throughout his career, Mark has delivered significant growth through capability development, strategic relationships and successful project delivery.

He leads the Group’s commercial, legal, risk and assurance, governance and strategic procurement functions, and provides oversight of Thiess Group investments.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Science from James Cook University, and Bachelor of Laws with first class honours from Bond University, as well as a Master of Laws from the Queensland University of Technology.
He is admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland and High Court of Australia, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the  Resolution Institute.


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