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Celebrating women and Kartini Day
Our team in Indonesia proudly participated in traditional events to mark Kartini Day – a celebration of women’s emancipation in Indonesia.

Kartini Day celebrates Indonesian hero, Raden Adjeng Kartini, who was born on 21 April 1879. Kartini is known for championing access to education for women from all social backgrounds and liberation of women from restrictive traditions and laws.
At Thiess, Kartini Day is celebrated as an extension to International Women’s Day (IWD.
Alongside a traditional dress competition, sites across Indonesia hosted a series of online events.
Our GBU team at Gunung Bara Utama (GBU) Coal Mine in West Kurai, hosted an online ceremony and sharing session building on the IWD theme #BreaktheBias. Our Balikpapan team also participated in an online ceremony and sharing session focused on how to become a successful woman in mining.
For the second year in a row, the team also held a country wide Inspiring Women @ Thiess Webinar focused on the theme #BreakTheBias – Breaking the glass ceiling at work. The webinar helped initiate important conversations around issues impacting women in our workplace and our community.
Imam Ghazali, Lead Corporate Communication & Quality Assurance in Indonesia, said he is proud to work for a company that celebrates events like IWD and Kartini Day.
“I have three beautiful daughters and it makes me hopeful to see companies like Thiess pushing for gender equality,” Imam said.
“I’m so thankful to the women and men of today who are committed to breaking the bias and challenging the status quo especially for when my kids might choose to don the Thiess orange shirt one day!”