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Young miners tour Mount Pleasant Operation in the Hunter Valley
More than 20 Year five students from Aberdeen Primary School donned a hi-vis vest, safety glasses and hard hat for their Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue (UHMD) School Mine Tour Program visiting the Mount Pleasant Operation.

The program, a partnership between local mining companies and the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue, will invite more than 1,100 students from across the Upper Hunter Valley to visit approximately 12 participating coal mines. The students and teachers will have the opportunity to learn about the process of coal mining from production through to rehabilitation of mined land through more than 30 tours.
The students were joined by members of the MACH Energy and Thiess teams and toured the mining operations and the coal handling preparation plant. The students also experienced a rare treat, getting to witness from close-up the build of a CAT 994 loader. The students and staff enjoyed the opportunity to learn about a key industry in their local community.
Thiess Mount Pleasant Operation Project Manager, Justin Doherty, said the program enabled students to learn and see first-hand the ins and outs of coal mining.
“The school tours are also a great way for the local students to see first-hand one of the biggest supporting industries of the local community and also gives them an opportunity to experience the environment where many of their parents, family and friend's work.” Justin said.
Thiess has been a member of the UHMD for over five years, contributing to the collaboration between industry and community to support the economic and social aspirations of the Hunter Region.
Learn more about the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue.
Check out the School Mine Tours Program.