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Meet Richard - delivering exceptional client outcomes

Like the honeybees he keeps, Richard Orman is organised, innovative and a team player. 

As Project Development Manager Pre-Contracts, Richard works collaboratively towards acquiring new work for Thiess, building our pipeline and client base.  

He’s been part of the CIMIC Group for more than 30-years and has held multiple operational leadership positions including Project Manager, Estimator and Operations Manager within our Western Australia portfolio. 

“When I first entered the industry, I carried out numerous underground mining roles including installing mine services, equipment operating, handheld mining, development and production charging, long-hole drilling, and all aspects of shaft sinking,” Richard said. 

“These roles gave me a greater understanding of the work and resources required to deliver with certainty for our clients and enabled me the opportunity to step up into more senior leadership positions.” 

A credential engineer, Richard has a strong industry reputation for driving operational excellence while leveraging our in-house capability to deliver more value for clients. 

“In my role, I’m focused on ensuring we put the best submission forward that benefits both our prospective client and Thiess,” Richard said. 

“Our excellence in people and established operating model enables us to deliver repeatable quality, continuity of service, balance and integration across multiple disciplines.” 
What do you love most about your team? 

“My team make it enjoyable to turn up to work every day. They are a wonderful bunch of people, who between them have an enormous skillset and go about their day with a can-do attitude.” 
What do you like to do in your spare time? 

“My hobby is beekeeping. I became involved when my uncle downsized and could no longer keep bees. 

I currently have six hives in my backyard which keep me busy. About once a month I carry out general maintenance and harvest any excess honey. I bottle a portion of it and sell it to my co-workers or people at the local community centre. Most of my honey is sold to a local company called ’Post Code Honey’. If you are in Perth and buy some ‘6014’ honey at the shop, there is a good chance it’s mine.” 
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

“Very early in my career, I was told ‘Richard, you can either be exactly wrong or approximately right’. I have found this phrase to be a great guide when I need to make a timely decision, personally and professionally, with the best available information.” 
If you could have a superpower what would it be? 

“To be able to heal. My daughter has suffered Type 1 diabetes since the age of four and I would give anything to cure her of that affliction. She has been living with the disease for 18 years.” 
If you could invite three people over for a dinner party, who would they be? 

- Billy Connelly 
- David Attenborough 
- Dave Allen 

“I think it would be a very educational, funny and enjoyable night.”