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Australia community wrap -October
Throughout October, our Thiess team in Australia was out and about in the community, lending our hand to support local initiatives and fundraisers and taking part in networking events and forums to create lasting value in the communities we live and operate in.

Here are some of the highlights:
Western Australia
Women in Mining WA (WIMWA) Summit Our WA team was delighted to sponsor and attend this year’s 2021 WIMWA Summit. Highlights from the Summit included a dynamic industry panel discussion with senior female leaders addressing some of the industry’s most pressing topics including: ESG, innovation, sexual harassment and building inclusive teams in a virtual world. Another highlight was Michelle Cowan, Coach of Dockers AFL women’s team, who shared her insights on leading with generosity and kindness.
Rocky’s Reward mural
Earlier this month, Thiess sponsored the commissioning of a mural for the Leinster Community School. The mural, painted by Deeva Kado and Karthie Muir, representatives of the Tijwarl native title, tells the story of the cultural and spiritual significance of the land. The mural helps those living, working and visiting the region to understand the strong connection Tijwarl traditional owners have with the land.
Women in Mining Networking Event
Our Rocky’s Reward team joined BHP Nickel West and Gold Fields Australia to celebrate the 10th Women in Mining Networking Event in Leinster. Hosted by Sabina Shugg, founder of Women in Mining WA (WIMWA), the event was celebrated by over 100 Goldfields projects employees. Along with the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the Northern Goldfields region, guests heard from Laura Allen of Woodside, who shared her inspiring career journey from Electrical Apprentice to Operations Team Leader.
Indigenous Emerging Business Forum (IEBF)
Thiess’ very own Phil Paton and Nevinia Davernport attended this year’s Indigenous Emerging Business Forum (IBEF). The IBEFs key objective is to encourage and assist business development opportunities for First nations people and bridge the digital divide to allow for greater information and technology for community and economic development.
Building readiness for employment through work placement
Throughout 2021, year 12 student Byron, from the Swan View Clontarf Academy, completed a weekly work experience placement at the Hazelmere Workshop facility. The placement is designed to build his readiness for employment. To celebrate both the end of Byron’s placement and year 12, our team in Hazelmere and Clontarf Academy Director, Kevin Bruce, came together for morning tea. We wish Byron the best for his future endeavours to secure a mechanical apprenticeship.
Dysart Junior Rugby League sponsorship
Our Lake Vermont team had a ball sponsoring the Junior Rugby League Presentation evening. Partnering with Cater Care, we teamed up to cater dinner for over 250 people who attended the event.
Dysart High School sausage sizzle
Joining forces with Cater Care, Thiess sponsored a sausage sizzle for the Dysart High School last month. Funds raised from the event were collected as part of Day for Daniel– Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day– which assists to develop free education initiatives and supports young victims of crimes.
Collinsville Telecentre celebrates 20 years
Thiess employees joined in celebrations to mark 20-years of operation at the Collinsville Telecentre. The telecentre plays an integral part of the Collinsville community, not only providing important computer services to the community, but also plays host to Thiess’ weekly inductions.
Hear to Learn – QCoal
Thiess’ Neil Gill and Marty Trask volunteered with our partners Hear and Say, as part of their Hear to Learn – School Hearing Screening Program. Neil and Marty were on hand at St John Bosco and Scottville State School to chat to students while they waited for their hearing tests, designed to help identify hearing loss in students from regional communities and ensure early intervention support if required.