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Meet Zolboot Gankhuleg - miner at OT
Zolboot Gankhuleg has been with Thiess for the past four years, starting his career as a Mine Assistant, then working his way through various roles such as Service Crew member, Jumbo operator, and Dump and Mixer Operator and now works as a miner.

We take time to recognise and spotlight Zolboot as one of our own miners supporting our at Thiess’ C2S project at Oyu Tolgoi.
What’s the best thing about working for Thiess?
Throughout my four years with Thiess, I’ve enjoyed learning about all aspects of underground mining operations through my various roles.
The best thing about working at Thiess is learning to work with the latest machines and technologies.
What are the challenges/ opportunities you have had at Thiess?
As a miner, you always need to be risk-averse, particularly in high-risk areas such as underground mine sites. You always need to be cautious and follow strict safety rules to ensure the safety of yourself and others around you.
What’s at the top of your bucket list?
Travelling to developed countries with my family.
How does your work/ team make a difference?
Good teamwork always makes a difference - through supporting and collaborating with each other, our team at the OT project were able to reach a significant milestone, achieving final breakthrough in the conveyor decline tunnel, connecting the C2S conveyor to surface tunnel to the existing OT underground mine, earlier this year.
Our team has worked particularly hard during the COVID-19 pandemic, with some of our team members having to stay on-site for 2-3 months at a time due to regional lockdowns. Our team has grown stronger together through this time, and I consider many of my team members as a family through the support and care they have offered.
What do you love about your role/ your team?
I am proud of working on the front line as a miner at Thiess. I love being able to learn and challenge myself every day and having the opportunity to work with the latest mining technologies.
What was your dream job when you were a child?
When I was a child, I loved looking up at the planes flying in the sky and dreamed of being a pilot. Funny that I’ve ended up working underground instead!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given and by whom?
My father has always told me to lead others through hard work and honesty.
If you could choose three people (dead or alive) over for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
I would be delighted to invite my wife, along with Chinggis Khan and his soldiers.
What are you passionate about outside of work?
My family is my passion. Spending time with my two kids brings me so much joy!