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Success of Thiess's Global Mobility Skills Development Program

In 2023, we launched a Global Mobility Skills development program to fill critical skills gaps and provide employees with opportunities to take part in skills development, networking and cross-cultural learning by travelling to different regions.

In January 2024, our Australian operations welcomed 12 experienced diesel fitters from Indonesia as part of the Skills Development Exchange Pilot facilitated by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Thiess were proud to be the first organisation to participate in the pilot. The fitters integrated well into the project teams with 11 being offered permanent transfers, providing critical skills in Australia and offering the employees and their families a chance to relocate to Australia.

In April 2024, we welcomed our first group of Indonesian specialist technicians to Chile, to support their colleagues in Chile’s Antofagasta region. The collaboration saw the Indonesian specialists provide technical skills and knowledge to assist their Chilean counterparts with the execution of a new project. The diverse and talented team worked together to deliver a key objective for the business, further showing the benefits of the global mobility program.

Success of Thiess's Global Mobility Skills Development Program