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Case study - 'One person one tree’ grows environmental awareness
In September 2022, the Thiess team at the Wahana project in Indonesia launched the ‘One Person One Tree’ program as part of our commitment to a sustainable future.
Inspired by Thiess’ World Environment Day celebration in June, the team partnered with the client to encourage employees and subcontractors to plant a tree around the main office, workshop and rehabilitation areas on site. The team aims to plant 985 trees – one for every employee – and have already reached 70% of their target.
As part of the program, the team created a nursery to plant fruit trees for employees to harvest in the future. The program helps to educate employees about rehabilitation and the importance of returning land to a sustainable use after mining.
Wahana Deputy Project Manager July Osmon Simanjuntak said: “It highlights nature, climate and pollution action by encouraging people to live sustainably. The involvement and collective effort also demonstrate the team’s awareness of revegetation efforts, highlighting their commitment to minimise environmental degradation.”

Number of trees the team is aiming to plant
Target already reached