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Bus warden program champions women and targets fatigue
A new bus warden program in Indonesia is targeting fatigue, improving employee travel safety and provide job opportunities to women entering the mining industry.

Launched recently across our Kalimantan projects, the program is a part of Thiess’ Diversity & Inclusion’s PINTAR (People in Non-Traditional Roles) program, recruiting women new to the industry.
Thiess buses target fatigue by ensuring employees do not have to drive long distances to site.
Previously, employees volunteered for the role of bus warden. Recruiting and employing specialist bus wardens takes the burden off employees, ensuring they can travel safely and comfortably to and from site.
The bus wardens also play an important role in ensuring COVID-19 protocols are adhered to by all employees.
Health, Safety & Security Manager and Chair of PINTAR Subcommittee, Budi Haryanto, said the program has delivered safety and diversity benefits.
"The program was launched as part of the leadership commitments to provide a safe workplace environment for our employees."
"A strong focus is on eliminating fatigue risk among our bus drivers, as there is significant travel times for our employees to get to our projects from the communities where they live."
"The program has significantly increased out intake target of female employees from three per cent (year on year) to more than seven per cent this year, and communities have greatly benefited from the program rewarding employment opportunities for females in the region," Budi said.
The program also acts as a talent pool, where many of our bus wardens, like Thessalonica, are offered promotions to new permanent roles in the business.
Technical Training Manager and HR lead for the program, Heryatmiko Panduwibowo, said it’s enabled the team to identify promising talent.
“The program as not only improved employee safety, it’s also been great to be able to give opportunities to local women and when the opportunities arise, we encourage them to pursue further careers in the business in other roles and continue to build their skills,” Heryatmiko said.
Bus Warden, Thessalonica Putri, welcomed the opportunity to enter the industry and begin a new career.
“As a housewife who lives near the mine site, I never imagined myself getting into the mining industry,” Thessalonica said.
“This job has given me the opportunity to build a fulfilling career. I am now working in a security role at the mine.”
To find out more about our D&I initiatives in Indonesia here.