
Meet us

Өрөмдлөг, тэсэлгээний нарийвчлал сайтай үйл ажиллагаа нь уурхайн бусад үйл ажиллагааны чанарт нөлөөлдөг бөгөөд олборлолтыг зардал багатайгаар явуулах үндэс суурь болдог.

What we offer

  • Job security with clear training, personal development and career progression opportunities
  • Competitive salary package and bonuses, 11% superannuation
  • Paid travel (FIFO and DIDO) and accommodation options
  • A broad range of corporate discounts, including health insurance, travel and retail products
  • Ongoing support for you and your family through our Employee Assistance Program
  • Make your mark with a resources provider that has sustainability at the heart of its business.

At Thiess, we're always on the lookout for amazing people to join our team. Our Talent Network keeps you updated on Thiess news, events and relevant opportunities. Join now and stay connected!

Life at Thiess

Life at Thiess

Learn more about a rewarding career at Thiess, whether you are just starting out or a veteran of the industry.

Make your mark

Make your mark

We're growing our commodities portfolio to include metals and minerals critical to the energy transition and developing services to enable sustainable mining.

Our autonomy journey

Our autonomy journey

Thiess began its autonomy journey in 2012. Join us as we continue to forge a path towards safer, more efficient sustainable mining.