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Thiess celebrates Melak safety milestone - 365-days Recordable Injury-free
La Nina weather challenges proved no match for our Thiess team at Melak Coal Mine in Indonesia who recently achieved a major safety milestone while delivering for our client – 365-days without Recordable Injury.

The achievement is a result of the team’s commitment to Thiess’ One HSE Culture – prioritising a commitment to safety and personal leadership, no matter your role, empowering strong supervision and leadership support, and disciplined management and application of key systems, policies and procedures.
Melak Deputy Project Manager, Louis Lusse, thanked his team for their effort and commitment to keeping each other safe.
“We hold the health, safety, and well-being of all our operations as the highest priority, ensuring that all our employees and sub-contractors return home safely,” Louis said.
“This important milestone could not have been achieved without the commitment and collective efforts of our Melak team's continuous efforts and belief in the Thiess objective keep Everyone Safe Everyday and the I Lead Safety! Campaign.
"Special thanks and appreciation belong to everyone for their continuous hard work and commitment, enabling us to reach yet another impressive milestone.
“Our safety record at the Melak Coal Mine is something we can all be proud of, which sets us apart.”
Luis reinforced the team’s commitment and care remained just as strong.
“We will not allow our pride in this achievement to turn into complacency."