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Traditional Owner engagement

The Group looks to engage Indigenous businesses that are traditional owners of the lands on which we operate.

Our partnership with the Traditional Owner group Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytajara Aboriginal Corporation (AMYAC) at the Prominent Hill Mine in South Australia has generated $21.4 million in revenue for AMY Nominees (AMYN), the commercial arm of AMYAC, since the partnership commenced in 2018. AMYN provide labour hire, cleaning services and plant hire.

After the acquisition of previous mine owner Oz Minerals by BHP in 2023, Thiess, BHP and AMYN are collaborating on Project Pulkaringanyi. The project, which in traditional language means ‘growing’, sees the partners developing a comprehensive co-designed plan to build the capability and capacity of AMYN to take a significant step forward in the delivery of the Run of Mine (ROM) contract.

In 2024, Anangu Mining, a subsidiary of AMYAC, was engaged by Thiess to supply labour to the mine. They provide approximately 60% of the total workforce under this contract, which has now been extended to 30 June 2026. Thiess is focused on transitioning AMY Nominees to contract positions at Thiess’ Prominent Hill project over the next two years.

In 2024, RTL engaged with Yerran Industrial, Kungarakan Traditional Owners for works and local transport services at the Rum Jungle project in the Northern Territory. RTL actively campaigned for contractual reform in key contracts to enable increased Indigenous participation in minor supply contracts

Traditional Owner engagement