Тийсс компани Австрали, Ази, Америкийн бүс нутагт эрчимтэй хөгжиж буй ил болон далд уурхайн салбарт захиалагчидтай хамтран ажилладаг
Sustainability is at the heart of our business and our purpose of a pioneering spirit for a brighter tomorrow – it’s about integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into our decision-making, every day.
With a 90-year mining history, we deliver the full suite of mine services.
Explore our global projects
The pioneering spirit of our founders inspires our legacy and drives our purpose. It’s in our DNA. Join us and help pioneer a brighter tomorrow.
Бүгдийг үзэх
Gerente Legal
Gerente de Personas y Capacidades Sudamérica
Gerente ITTEC
Procurement Manager
Marketing Manager Americas