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Increasing female representation

The mining industry in Indonesia has historically had low female representation, primarily due to cultural and societal norms. Aligned with the Group’s strategic goal to increase female representation, our Indonesia leadership team implemented a comprehensive strategy focused on creating career pathways and strengthening the female talent pipeline.

They established targets for existing programs such as apprenticeships, graduate intakes, new-to-industry truck operators, and bus wardens. As at the end of 2024, 76 women have benefited from the Female Operator Trainee Program, which focuses on recruiting women from local communities, and a total of 55 female bus wardens have been trained for roles within the organisation.

The PINTAR (People in Non-Traditional Roles) sub-committee worked to raise awareness among hiring managers about the importance and advantages of enhancing female representation. Various outreach efforts promoted job opportunities for women in local communities, technical high schools, and universities, resulting in a significant number of applications from female candidates for all programs.

A merit-based recruitment process led to gender-balanced intakes in both the apprenticeship and new-to-industry truck operator programs, with 66% female representation in the graduate development program in 2024. A dedicated Women’s Training Centre was launched in March 2024 in Balikpapan, which offered pre-employment truck operator training to
women with limited work experience. A total of 17 women completed this program, with six securing permanent positions on a Thiess project.

Through these multi-program initiatives, overall female representation in the workforce at our Indonesia operations rose by 28.4% from 2023 to 2024, from 9.9% to 12.7%. Upskilling efforts, leadership development programs, mentoring from the senior leadership team and targeted recruitment contributed to a 34% increase in female leadership in 2024 compared to 2023, from 7.0% to 9.9%.

Increasing female representation