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Meet Michael Gronbek

Meet Michael Gronbek. He’s our Tyre and Ancilliary Supervisor at our Lake Vermont operations in Queensland.

Michael has been with Thiess for four years, joining as a roving tyre maintenance and fitter before becoming a supervisor.
With his team, Michael helps keep our operations safe and reliable – taking care of our truck tyres, undertaking maintenance on our light vehicles and everything from generators to dewatering pumps.
“I like the variety and pace that I have in my job – I’m always busy and there’s never a dull moment.”
“I work with a good bunch of people. I’ve got a young team. Everyone knows their job inside and out. They’re really professional, good at what they do and enjoy it.”
“Since I’ve been with Thiess, I’ve really enjoyed travelling to our sites across Australia. I’ve had access to training and I’ve been involved in our innovation program and trialing new technology.”
“Outside work, I like my motorbikes. I ride track and endurance. I’m also a keen fisherman – I’m lucky to live so close to the reef.”