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Community Wrap - August
Participating in community life, and supporting initiatives that benefit the communities where we live and work is essential to Thiess creating lasting value and underpins our social license to operate.

Throughout August, our Thiess team in Australia has been active in community from attending conferences and gala balls, to providing refreshments and catering to local community events. Here are some of the month’s highlights:
New South Wales
Jeans for Genes Day The Mt Arthur South team held a BBQ fundraiser in support of Jeans for Genes Day. Proceeds raised were donated to Jeans for Genes charity who “do the difficult research needed to save children’s lives”.
South Australia
Prominent Hill and AMY Nominees at the Global Maintenance Upper Spencer Gulf (GMUSG) Conference
Thiess’ Tony Finlay, HSET Superintendent from Prominent Hill, attended the 17th annual GMUSG Conference in Whyalla . The event promotes the Upper Spencer Gulf, where Prominent Hill is located, as a regional centre of excellence in the provision of maintenance services to local, national, and the international resource processing sector. Tony supported our Traditional Owner partners AMY Nominees and client OZ Minerals at their exhibition booths promoting the value of our mutual partnerships. Thiess also donated a scale model CAT793D Rear Dump Truck as a lucky draw prize, won by a local Whyalla business.
Road Safety Week Sausage Sizzle
During Road Safety Week, students from both Dysart State Primary and High School learnt the importance of road safety with the help of Senior Constables Nick Schmidt and Brett Clive. Students had one-on-one discussions with Nick and Brett, participated in a quiz, and completed a colouring competition. Thiess catered the events and winners of the competition received a Thiess merchandise pack.
Dysart State School STEM Education Support
Our Lake Vermont team recently support Dysart State School’s interest to learn more about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), through donating thirty ‘circuit kits’ for the students to use.
Thiess Gets Behind Dysart Netball Association
Thiess, along with Cater Care, provided support to the local Dysart Netball association who participated in the Central Queensland Carnival in Middlemount. The team provided much needed refreshments for the day as well as loaned the team’s gazebo to keep the team cool.
Biggest Morning Tea
Thiess representatives from Curragh North Project attended the Biggest Morning Tea hosted at Dingo Library, sharing a cuppa and a chat with local residents and participated in a range of activities.
Thiess’ support of this event was appreciated as is the ongoing support generated by the presence of larger companies in the region, which assists in providing better health facilities.
RACQ Capricorn Helicopter Rescue 25th Anniversary Gala Ball
Our Queensland operations dressed to impress at the 25th Anniversary Gala Ball delivered by our community partners, Capricorn Helicopter Rescue. The team spent the night celebrating our partners in Rockhampton.
Updown Blackdown Trail Run
Tanya Clark and Louis Lai from Lake Vermont supported the Blackdown running event by refuelling runners with much needed snacks and water. The ladies re-energised participants at checkpoint four, before their last 7km of the run. Well done ladies!