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Our COVID-19 response

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, the health and wellbeing of our people, our community and the safety of our operations, is our absolute priority. 

Across our global operations, we have plans and protocols in place to limit the risks of infection and protect our people and communities.
Our approach is informed by our care for people and the latest information and guidance from governments, health agencies and occupational physicians.
In each of our regions, across our offices, sites and villages, our teams are implementing local action response plans including rigorous preventative infection control and social distancing measures including:

- Ensuring any team members experiencing cold or flu symptoms, seek medical advice and do not attend work
- Performing additional cleaning and sanitation services across all sites, villages and offices
- Reducing face-to-face meetings through flexible work arrangements, rotation of critical roles and enhanced use of technology
- Enabling our office-based team members to work from home
- Suspending non-essential visitors to our sites and offices
- Staggering start/finish times for workdays and mealtimes
- Introducing additional bus services to ensure physical distances are maintained between team members travelling
- Suspending all work-related travel for non-operational team members, both international and domestic, until further notice
- Adapting village food preparation to enable pre-packed takeaway meals.

Worldwide, this virus is having a devastating impact on people and on economies. Helping keep our people and communities healthy and our operations safe is how we are contributing and helping make a difference.
Take care.